The Vest Advice and The Right to Bare Arms?

Dear Ms Nixie, I write with news of the gra vest tra vest y. I bring word of the sua ves t in vest ry, the finest, li vest, in vest igatory har vest and study of sheer manhood. I speak in the bra vest of tongue, well aware in the economics of heart, that truth has brought with it a di vest iture of promise and yet.... still hope lives and thus I find myself here looking for the vest advice. Ms Nixie, I know only the jersey, the sweater, the darling pullover ...oh that whole piece, sleeves and all. Born unto a long line of Aran Islanders, it has been bequeathed that I shall always know the warmth of Galway at my breast (with the promise of snug arms too). The trouble now? The vest is yet to come. I have my heart entangled in nothing but the in vest ment of love and yet my family would never have such scandal. Nixie, the two shan't meet, the vests and the jumpers, the coverings and the raw will of brevity, even in the face of a cold, dark winter. It has been taught and told and...