Enchilada and the Wooded One

Dear Ms Nixie,

The name: E.N.Chilada
The Home: Nth West Nevada 
Descends from: E. Zapata
The Dance: With Ponce Sonata 

(and a whole lot of and in the Salsa)…..

That is me, si, si, and I write with questions and answers and a great love of walls, a great love of love and more love and graffito and graffiti and the sweetie geeky and streety treaty flavours alike…. Ahhh, some fruity tooty and jalapeno patootie….. the marriage of diferencia. 

It was once said;

“Graffitti is revolutionary in my opinion, and my revolution might be considered a crime. People who are oppressed or suppressed need an outlet, so they write on walls-it’s free.”
Terence Lindall

Now the trouble I find, is a man comes along, wanting to be El Presidente, trying out for the part, wanting the whole shindig….. And he says; “We must build the walls…”

And I say; 

“Un momento…Actuallly you speak my language but ah, let’s not get ahead of the road runner or the Merrie Melodies just yet. We want some walls but they must be fair. We do not want to feel alone or left out. We want the enchilada. We do not want to separate the ingredients. Because Mamma always said;

“Enchilada so NICE and HOT….” 

And I always say…..

“Just like the Taco, every now and every then we fall apart but every then and every now we look back and forwards and try and try for the whole enchilada, all together and wrapped in the lovely floured blanket of understanding…”

So what of this? We might build bridges like you say, Ms Nixie, and on them there shall be all the decorations, all the words, all the greenery, the flowers, the art and when we must build walls, there shall be doors and windows and many the sounds of Buenos Dias. 

By the way, if it not be too presumptuous of me, and given this is an advice column that seems to be have been reinvigorated of late, there is a rather handsome chaperchurro who seems to have caught my attention. I see him not as walls but in the view of a rocky mountain. I cannot help agreeing;

“ Only one mountain can know the core of another mountain…..” Frida Khalo. 

Ah, but he seems so far away from me this delicious Manicotti of Peperonitti visions. 
Alas, presently I find the one of interest surrounded by wild woods and dark hoods. I cannot reach him. Whatever shall I do?


Ms E. N. Chilada

Dear Ms Chilada,

I cannot take away your chil or your la. I will not remove any such lada lada da. Your E. N. makes  N for nobodies business for perhaps this is the first I’ve heard of you. BUT I am into good BUTS too and there does live a but…but…. You my dear are somebody to me. Yes, we may be one in the same person and as free and as soulful and as bright as the view from Frida Khalo at her diary desk;

"I paint myself because I am so often alone and because I am the subject I know best."
Frida Khalo

and on a bad day....

"I was born a bitch.
I was born a painter..."

And a wonderful one too..

"I love you more than my own skin...."

And at the peak of summer, good grief, pass the paprika....

"Take a lover that looks at you like maybe you are a bourbon biscuit....." 

And If he doesn’t… like Mamma always said:

“Don’t use the good scissors for that…At least you tried your best”

Please don’t misunderstand me though. I come in peace. What I mean to say is, as I always say...

“It is better to have stitched and patched and tried and made amends and to have specialized in alterations, than to never have sewn at all. You may have to cut loose from those who don’t love your style enough, for style is all in the loving my dear. I would go so far as to say….We are fully fully dressed without a smile but the smile is the shortest distance between two people after all…”

If you need doors darling and people will always build the wrong kind of walls….. seems like he might be the one. Yes, let him get wood for you. For the..for the doors of course …etc etc.

Right, that seems to wrap it up. Hope that helped my dear.

Anyway I have a rather important date with Paul Mecurio and the passe doble. I’ve always loved that film but just remember that this chap may well have danced non federation steps round about the town and up and down the mountain too but that does not mean you were not within your rights to dance the passe doble. That is all I have to say. Let me leave you with such divine intervention. I need to be off for my film appreciation night and prayers to the lady Madonna and just like a prayer I shall be there.

Yours Truly

Ms. Nixie.

ps in regards to the wall builder round Mexico..... he might consider what they end up writing on those walls before building them first. Oh I'm well sure it won't be very pretty. 


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