Tapestries and Question Marks...
Dear Ms Nixie,
I write to you in search of answers but as the wise have thought it, often answers come with only the right questions and so I come with questions. For isn't it so that all of us are truly a question of sorts in one way or another, remote - yet close together and shrouded in mystery? How do I turn one insignificant thread in an immense and miraculous pattern into something valued, something seen? Are we "Destiny itself like a wonderful wide tapestry in which every thread is guided by an unspeakable tender hand, placed beside another thread and carried by a hundred others.?"
(Rainer Maria Rilke) Or if the tapestry or carpet "of history that seems so full of tragedy when viewed from the front has countless comic scenes woven into the reverse side"...is " truth,tragedy and comedy, the twin marks of history.." ??? (Jose Ortega Y Casset. And then again..
What is yellow, brown and hairy, besides cheese on toast dropped on the carpet?
Sew many questions, so little time that we can do it in, my goodness it's a sin...to squander hours upon hours when me might be otherwise weaving, spinning, turning and threading the needle.
You see in matters of the heart, there lives a certain somebody with tender balls, of twine, that I might cradle lovingly in between the prick of a linen spread and from there on isn't it so that colour would spring forth a wily pattern, perhaps spoolish and yet for the shear fun of it we might proceed and I'll be darned if it wouldn't be more than sew sew, but sew smart, sew shiny, oh sew say all of us.
I look forward to your answers my friend,
Yours Truly
Ms. C. N. Tape`-Stre`y
Dear Ms Strey,
Let me not but stray from the point except to say I cannot answer every question. I cannot know all and everything. I will not answer if answering, as you say, feels less of the questioning in itself. And so the questions unravel a new thread... might you not stitch bitch and never give up on love even when the end is looming? Or then again...if all else fails replace your cheese with more cheese and carry on dear girl. There's really nothing at all wrong with a soft centre.
ps. Might he like macrame? The way to a heart is through macrame right and here's a little food for thought. Might it be the gift that sparks a new beginning...??? Always here for you darling xx

I write to you in search of answers but as the wise have thought it, often answers come with only the right questions and so I come with questions. For isn't it so that all of us are truly a question of sorts in one way or another, remote - yet close together and shrouded in mystery? How do I turn one insignificant thread in an immense and miraculous pattern into something valued, something seen? Are we "Destiny itself like a wonderful wide tapestry in which every thread is guided by an unspeakable tender hand, placed beside another thread and carried by a hundred others.?"
(Rainer Maria Rilke) Or if the tapestry or carpet "of history that seems so full of tragedy when viewed from the front has countless comic scenes woven into the reverse side"...is " truth,tragedy and comedy, the twin marks of history.." ??? (Jose Ortega Y Casset. And then again..
What is yellow, brown and hairy, besides cheese on toast dropped on the carpet?
Sew many questions, so little time that we can do it in, my goodness it's a sin...to squander hours upon hours when me might be otherwise weaving, spinning, turning and threading the needle.
You see in matters of the heart, there lives a certain somebody with tender balls, of twine, that I might cradle lovingly in between the prick of a linen spread and from there on isn't it so that colour would spring forth a wily pattern, perhaps spoolish and yet for the shear fun of it we might proceed and I'll be darned if it wouldn't be more than sew sew, but sew smart, sew shiny, oh sew say all of us.
I look forward to your answers my friend,
Yours Truly
Ms. C. N. Tape`-Stre`y
Dear Ms Strey,
Let me not but stray from the point except to say I cannot answer every question. I cannot know all and everything. I will not answer if answering, as you say, feels less of the questioning in itself. And so the questions unravel a new thread... might you not stitch bitch and never give up on love even when the end is looming? Or then again...if all else fails replace your cheese with more cheese and carry on dear girl. There's really nothing at all wrong with a soft centre.
ps. Might he like macrame? The way to a heart is through macrame right and here's a little food for thought. Might it be the gift that sparks a new beginning...??? Always here for you darling xx

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