Charlie and the Great Love

Dear Ms. Nixie,

This may come as somewhat of a kick to the shock stick and I hope you don't mind a brief wrong thing at the right moment kind of interruption from a rather unlikely subject. In fact I do believe I hope you do mind. I hope you mind an awful lot. Although this is a ruthless world and one must, to some degree, be ruthless to cope with it where people as an individual can be genius but in the mass may form the headless monster, a great brutish idiot that goes where prodded, I have also said more importantly that only the unloved hate, only the unloved and the unnatural. I'm nothing of a saint at all. I have been troubled, clear as a bell, difficult, high as a kite or a firecracker going off, forever tortured and yet forever hopeful of more love nevertheless. I am for the people. I cannot help it even if I was never a perfect man. I want you to mind and to matter as ever after as that might be possible. I want that for many people. And that is what brings me to you. I've a riddle, a riddle for you dear...
What do you call ditto squared, the gravely concerned (literally or otherwise) in a pair of big high shoes and bicycle pumps to the pectorals majors? It's me! You see I'm A ghost. I'm a ghost without the Demi, unless of course you might refer to my stature, not that I have ever let that get in the way of anything at all. Pleased to introduce myself as the ghost of Mr. Charles Spencer Chaplin. You may call me Charlie or Charlot or whatever the heck takes your good fancy or delicious delights...I'll leave it up to you. I do believe ghosts are everything remembered, everything not quite complete and everything Imagined yet not quite realised just yet...for all of us leave spirit about the place, don't we?
On a personal note, I wondered if you might not settle a little tiff I'm having with the late great Georges Bizet and yes we ghosts intersect, overlap and get all the bit tangled up too. He's on about rot you see. Nothing against the man professionally of course. Ah, the music, might it not be sheer agony in beauty if not so immeasurably centred on the deep vectors of love and so love wins. And yet he says that as a musician it's better the world not suppress crime and evil, for fear there would be no longer means for writing one note. I cannot tolerate such justifications, for yes there will always be the good and the bad and the somewhere in between, but evil will spoil all of everything else if it  takes root too deeply and too wide by way of people doing nothing and even worse still, by encouraging such a force. I've nothing against mischief. I've nothing against taking ones own pain and playing with it from a personal vantage point but I've everything against the word "Power" when used in the wrong way, for often power is only when you want something harmful otherwise love is enough to get everything done.
You might well know that I had a dear friend called Mabel. One day she was in a right pickle of a fickle mood, as we all experience form time to time. Oh she was all the bit cross over parts, and pieces and ladders and dollars and cents and popularity, as we've all been from time to time in one way or another. She cried and spat at me in a wild rage...
"Say anything you like but don't say I like to work. That sounds like Mary Pickford, that prissy bitch. just say I like to pinch babies and twist their legs and get drunk."
Now the truth is Mary was a human being as mixed up and topsy turvy as all of the rest of us and Mabel was wrong about her. And later we agreed the we might be punished by our anger not for it and all of us got together for a good lot of dancing and fun and peaceful mischief in the afterlife. But it would surely have been better in life that it happened that much earlier.
Anyway beneath she sheets of paper does rest the truth alright. Look up or you'll never find more rainbows darling.

Dear Charlie (aka Smiley O-Reily with a cherry on top),

My Grandfather was Charles too. I never did meet him but he wrote letters too and we have them and a diary from the terrible world of war, marked by a great flood of grief (literally and otherwise). BTW I'm not shocked or scared because I've come to know that yes.. ditto, sometimes people can be more scary than ghosts and yet heart is much bigger than fear. I have but one message for you....Thank you dear.
Oh and on the topic of Mr Bizet, tell him to feel thoughts of Genevieve most. How little sometimes we remember of the good times. It was she in fact who gave him heart and everything wonderful and without love all of everything else is nothing. Love is at the centre and the greater and deeper the core the more we can create. His work could not have been made without love the winner. Of that I am sure. And for that reason while people may be right cockheads sometimes love must certainly come first and be nurtured and as you once told us... never should it be that...

"The most sweet hearted people are the most mistreated."

Keep smiling wherever you are. I have learned much from your mystery and your truth.

All my love,

Nicla xo.

Dear Ms Nicla,



Dear Charlie,

Ditto squared


Ps Could you get Patrick Swayze in for a ditto by chance?

Dear Nicla,

No, I'm afraid he got that part and I'm merely the understudy today. Sorry to disappoint dear. I can try a samba of the unconscious conscious mind in your dreams tonight ;)


Dear Charlie,

You'll do find then. Ditto to infinity and the stars, not just the rich ones.

Yours Nixie xo

ps. Do I remind you of any of those ladies you worked with?

Dear Nixie,

No, no you remind me of you. That's enough. Really...



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