Fabio's Dream
Dear Nixie,
I’ve heard
of your self- help column and wondered if you might take a few moments away
from a hectic schedule to offer me some words of wisdom and clairvoyance . I
love carrots, cuddles and good times at night ie a good roll in the hay oh and
the occasional pellet party never does go astray. I’m from a very large family and have ties to
royalty. I love fashion, dating apps and fine dining (though always vegan). I
have a low centre of gravity, wear fur and often dream about freedom. Could wear
Gucci if sponsored.
I need some
help with celebrities as I wish to become a star. A big star. A very big star.
There’s only one problem…..
Can I trust
you with my heart?
Dear Fabio,
Spit it all
out darling. That’s what I’m here for. A life lived in fear is a life lived. Everyone
feels afraid in one way or another. Bravery is overblown you see. What I’m more
interested in is the truth. Many people are afraid and they still manage to keep
being afraid while pretending to be brave. More to the point remembering to
talk to people about your fears is the idea dear boy. Might I ask a personal Question?
Are you by chance a body builder. I always imagined Fabios might be?
Yours Truly,
Dear Ms
Well yes
body builder is right. That’s me some years ago and well this is me now below. My
full name is Fabio Le. N. Grinnypig The 31ST. Count of Bergough Manor
LAH. D. DAH (honors Univiresity of Ah La Carte and special Ops)

Yours Fabio
Dear Fabio,
Oh how
wonderful, a guinea pig found a pathway to me. Not Baz though, i’m afraid or any of his
bosom friends. But you dear boy, well what a treat. If I told you, mwah, mwah, I’d
been in the same room as Mr Di Caprio mwah mwah in nothing but a grass skirt
and pair of underpants, you’d never believe me. Well of course it’s not true,
right? Well, I wouldn’t want to give you false hope Fabio, that I can pull the
strings round here. But I can offer you a shoulder to lie on. Cry it all out
darling and get back on Guinder, there’s nothing wrong with looking for love,
even if it is on one of those fan dangled dating apps. Do you know karate? It seems to be fairing well for Mr Pitt. Might you take up lessons? My suggestion would be
to keep working on your portfolio, dance lessons, runway (very hot right now in
the getting to be an actor phase) gymnastics, find out where Ms Generes shops
and pop out of her trolley for a quick screen test, and stay afraid but honest.
Fear may never leave you but tap dancing is always an option, well for the time
being anyway Fabio. I most humbly thank you dear Count, and may you always crawl in
love and peace.
Nicla xx
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