Dear Nicla (Rose), What if I told you I was once Mozart or that Dvorak was immortal? What if I told you Mary Pickford was reborn into a new body with each new generation? What If I told you The Titanic wasn’t written by James Cameron and the music wasn’t written by James Horner either? Would you believe me? What if I told you “Someone that I used to Know” was a joke between two lovers who sent music to one another on cassette tapes about a man with a Goatee and a woman called Kim wearing a bra (Kimbra). What if I told you the man who came on stage at the Arias all about that kind of plagiarism was telling the truth? Which parts would you believe? What if I told you Wolfgang Amadeus was an adopted woman with a twin brother who dressed as a girl and was captured by the elite to make even more money in a situation of child slave labour? What If I told you I died and came alive again or gave birth like an alien from my mouth breaking every bone in my face? It’s unlikel...