Charlotte Bronte and the Birds
Dear Ms

Do you know
I LOVE, LOVE AND LOVE to write poems? Well I did do but now I find myself the inhabitant
of current day poets. There I bring my spirit into the ventricles of their
hearts so that I may live on and on for I never did want to give it up, writing
that is. It’s terribly romantic, much more sexually alert than pornography if
you want it to be. I suppose we avoided that which was completely overt to the
point of excruciating need at times too. Ah and then we knew with such utter yearning
we were ALIVE in the wanting.
I was
terribly and utterly hurt by many a man you know, though I found love with
Arthur, my Knight. Well I called him this but really I was more so the Knight.
Armour I wore to battle the storms of every rejection, of every forgotten word.
The worst of it was Robert Southey who rejected my poems wholeheartedly. He
suggested in no uncertain terms that I should give up on writing altogether.
Nobody knows as much who Robert Southey is now and my name is everywhere. It
was the way of it then. And isn’t it true that even now, more of the chaps are
making money from movies about my life and with my books, my work, than are the
women? Well I happen to know it is true. This makes me feel I am still the
ensnared bird but I can fly. I did fly. I came back to tell you I could fly. I
came back to tell you I am a good person. I am a woman. I am with wings that
could have been soaring like a triumph in my darkest yearning but I am also
coming back to tell you they were clipped too. I want people to remember that.
Charlotte Bronte.
Dear Ms
Darling how
honoured I am to make your acquaintance. I shall be sure to publish your words
for all to know and read. I am most certainly a fan and avid supporter of your
work and thank you with undying gratitude for the pathways you have have forged
in equal rights, in feminism in love and romance and the beautiful
crafftwomanship of turning imaginations into something we might write home
about, that we might shout from the rooftops.
It’s funny
you should write me because I too have a hidden life. You know I’m a budding Ornithologist. I love them! I love birds. Oh my, what a delight. I love the freedom of their
dance, the feathered fans that seem to glide away from pain and right towards
something of an open release. I love their music and the colours like tribal
paint and tattoos that makes the inky watermark of nature costume their coats
in something we can classify but must never cage at all.
I’m sorry
to hear of your past troubles with Kierkegaard and Southey. Not all loves or
those we yearn for end well I suppose. I had a love once like those fellows,
thought he was into birds like me. Ah but then he seemed to be embracing a
whole new jock culture with balls, and babes on the beach and bikinis and so
forth. I have to say there was a time when this bird word nerd had to shed a
little tear and move onwards too. Alas people change sometimes, though I never
have all that much. But like you said;
does not indicate that you are weak, since birth it has always been a sign that
you are alive!”
Dear Nixie,
She dried
her tears and they did smile
To see her
cheeks returning glow
How little
dreaming all the while
That full
heart throbbed to overflow
With that
sweet look and lovely tone
And bright
eye shining all the day
They could
not guess at midnight lone
How she
would weep the time away
Emily Bronte.
It’s my
sister’s poem. Cry when you will. Cry, laugh, whisper, speak with strength or
gently coo in dulcet tones. Whatever you feel my dear girl. Move on, step by
step. There is never such a thing as an unimportant day even if others make you
feel as such.
Yours truly
Ps Is Mr
Firth set to do any more period dramas, preferably in knickerbockers?? No
reason. Just wondering?? A suggestion perhaps..... Dear Ms
I’m not
sure in regards to Firth. I’m afraid I have no such power in this world to
decide on the bottom garments of chaps in the movies. Goodness knows I’ve certainly tried. I do
however have a little poem for you.
Little Plume
Quill in
the forest
Found my
As a desert’s
Wrote my
To the
To the
Swell of
Gyre storms
Fly, sweet
the birdy
Glide, in
the will of
Stay awake
We did not
need to find
For your
heart was the trove
All along
Yours Truly
Definitely, please do asap with skates on, ta and mwah darling.
Lottie xx
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