Rider and the Harry Exchange

Dear Nixie, I write to you cool as a cucumber and looking for squares. Some months ago I was perusing a book on anti-gravity ...and simply couldn’t put it down... when an ol’ chum of mine interrupted my division of sin by tan ...just cos... I’m a problem solver at heart. Well he came by to tell me all those problems were solved and guess what? It’s all down to you Ms. Nixie. Well at least I thought so anyway. He was down with the tude and I said; “Yoh whadup? You been mixing sulphur, tungsten and silver again ma homie S.W.AG? And he slipped off the shades, rotated the veritable acetabulofemoral joints and simply explained; “No Bro. I got it.” And i said; “What?” And he said; “ I’m now the pure hipstomatic, supersonic dudatron and I’m a gonna make the ladeez plead for me!” And I said; “Secret formula periodically on the table brother. Are we thicker than your collected works of Miss Marple anthology or what, hey?” And so he gave me the low down from ward...