Letter circa 1982

Dear Little Girl, I wrote you a letter. I wrote two. One to send and one to keep. That’s in case they don’t give it to you. Today I went to the movies to see ET. My dad brought me to it. My dad carried me out of the theatre because I was crying too much. If they never give you this letter one day I might be able to find you and give it to you. If I had lights in my fingers it might look pretty. Do you like lights? I like lights. I like colourful lights. I like the stars. You were my friend at kinda. Do you remember it? I do. Do you forget? Do you remember too? You came to my birthday party and you gave me strawberry hair bobbles. Guess what? I wear them on the weekends every day. At my school you cant wear strawberry hair bobbles coz it’s not school colors. Do you remember? Do you forget? I did your hair in the kinda corner with bits of wool in bows. Do you remember when you came to my house for my party in a purple tshirt with an elephant on the front. You looked good but we de...