
Showing posts from May, 2018

Dear 17 Year Old Self

Dear 17 Year Old Nicla, You will grow older. You will grow wiser. Sometimes people will love you. Sometimes people will not.   You don’t have to be liked by everyone. The world is full of potential. So too are you. Try. Then try again. You do not have to have the courage of a lion every day if that is not your way. It’s ok to feel afraid. It’s ok to say so. You are not invicible   but recovery is possible. "Just as courage is the danger of life, so is fear its safeguard." Leonardo da Vinci  Perhaps you are a million spirits, a million ways, an unanswered question. You do not have to know everything but it’s good to know that each day brings a new sunrise. Sometimes people might misunderstand and sometimes you might misunderstand them. Seek understanding and reconciliation with people if you can. You are allowed to fail sometimes. It’s ok to feel shy. It’s ok to be so full of emotion as you are. If you are the one howling at the movies, howl. Life is too ...

Little, Big Love

Dear Nixie, Lock me away. Put me behind glass. Take away my potential. Do not let me free. I must never be close to a barrel. I am so much bigger than small. I am hard, cold and sad. I am not meant for children. I bare nothing grand. I bare nothing to be proud of. I am a clone. I am the same in every terrible way possible as the others that lie beside me in useless box of death. I do not wish to exist for many of the reasons I was made for. I cannot teach children. I am not patriotic because I just don’t care. I do not have a brain. I cannot change my mind. I am not brave. I am not a guardian. Please stop me, please do because I sure as hell can’t. Not Yours, Mr Deadly Bullet. Mr Bullet, Do NOT call me Dear you nasty good for nothing killer. If only it were up to me. If only it were. Make love not war. Imagine, dream, make memories (even if it’s a cliché) Plant good seeds. Smile, dance, connect, wrap yourself in life. Make art, write, play sport (though I’ll ma...