The Poke-Belong Club

Dear Nixie, I write to you in the strictest of confidence and though it may be true that there are some secrets which do not permit themselves to be told, this particular matter is not the case. I am haunted in the unsaid. I lie awake in the weight of an abstruse complexity. Isn’t it true that all of us are the chameleon of heart? Must we not adapt in some settings to reach comradery, or in my case bare within us the handcuffs and shackles of saving face for the sake of our kin, to at least some extent? The truth I bare is strange, so much stranger than fiction but…here goes…. I am an adult woman who enjoys the world of Pokémon characters. There I said it. The powerful truth now does prevail. I’d like to have dropped the children off to school in a little cozzie cos play or two but alas duties calls and we must leave at the gate our hearts on a spear, before long, look straight ahead without blinking once, learn never to show too many signs of kinship and remember that it’s al...