Dear 2017

Dear 2017, Lucky Seven was once how I felt Seven. There’s a reason I chose that number. I was seven years old. I was born in the seventh month. I was given a gift at a party that never actually happened because I was very ill with childhood asthma and the whole event was called off. One of the parents dropped in a gift from a school chum in a small box and on a miserable day it made me feel a heck of a lot better. Inside was a tiny necklace featuring a small ladybird on a gold chain, the seven spotted ladybird. There was a card wishing me better luck next time in large clumsy writing. There was a hand drawn picture, a garden full of colour and optimism. The next year I had a mad hatters party, from memory, and my hat featured a huge garden scene all around the brim, bursting into life. This time the party did happen. Whether the charm was lucky or the mind and hearts will for it to be so, made it so, next year was better. I think of that theory as rooted in science too not just so...