
Showing posts from February, 2017

Cats and Crystals

Dear Ms Nixie, I write to you not as much on my own behalf alone but for someone else. Now that someone else is a lot more than else and a large part of someone. You see, we live together. She’s gorgeous, fit, fun, athletic, full of personality, cuddly, very much into grooming and a huge fan of T.S.Elliot. I fear though, this special lady seems to have lost her usual spark of late, hiding away for extended periods of time, lack of appetite, excessive sleeping and well sometimes even engaging in obstinate and resistant behaviour she just wouldn’t have considered in the past, some might even say reckless behaviour god forbid. Miss Nixie, I even saw her in close proximity to the words RIP recently. I’m terribly concerned, whatever should I do? Yours, Mr. C. Andle-Flame Dear Mr Andle-Flame, Good grief, I’m also concerned but never fear for the darkness shall be the candlelight and the stillness the dancing. For a start might you not get her to dancing class? BTW, I’m not...

Love Bares All

Dear Ms Nixie, I write to you for advice with barely a minute to spare for though the clock ticks, hungry and forever going back for seconds, there never does seem to be enough time for me, or more to the point, for us, for my relationship. I’m a very busy woman. I’m a doctor you see. I’m a very busy doctor in a very busy practice. It so happens my lover, my beloved, my boo, my boobear, my bookworm, my cuddlebunch and cute widdle cuddlecakes, my fluffer nutter and most darling chequito is in the medical profession too. He’s a surgeon. We’re very much in love. It’s by no means a matter of inconsonance for Gilbert and I are very committed. We’re just so very busy. That’s the trouble. I wondered if you might have some strategies at the ready on energy efficient relationship maintanence. At your earliest convenience I would appreciate support and guidance. Yours Truly Ms N. Gables Dear Ms Gables, How wonderful, love lives! May I first suggest that establishing a health...

Love Bears All

Dear Ms Nixie, I write to you for advice with barely a minute to spare for though the clock ticks, hungry and forever going back for seconds, there never does seem to be enough time for me, or more to the point, for us, for my relationship. I’m a very busy woman. I’m a doctor you see. I’m a very busy doctor in a very busy practice. It so happens my lover, my beloved, my boo, my boobear, my bookworm, my cuddlebunch and cute widdle cuddlecakes, my fluffer nutter and most darling chequito is in the medical profession too. He’s a surgeon. We’re very much in love. It’s by no means a matter of inconsonance for Gilbert and I are very committed. We’re just so very busy. That’s the trouble. I wondered if you might have some strategies at the ready on energy efficient relationship maintenance At your earliest convenience I would appreciate support and guidance. Yours Truly Ms N. Gables Dear Ms Gables, How wonderful, love lives! May I first suggest that establishing a healthy...