Mr Cocolluis and the World Tour

Dear Nixie, It was once said that wisely and slow precedes those that stumble and run fast and that in hurriedly, behinder they may get. A thought before you jump into any such tardis? Yours, Mr Cocolluis Dear Mr Cocolluis, You seem different but the same as before but still different, without being so lost. I have no clear notion as to why you insist on returning to me but I would, on this occasion, perhaps have to agree with you in some regards. And what I mean to say is that those of US born of The Shire will not say anything unless it is worth taking a long time to say. Yours Ms. Nixie Dear Ms. Nixie, Precisely, what I mean to say is that life itself is rather wibbly wobbly, timey whimey and that truth may well have had the wibbles re the little black chictionary and claims of my whereabouts and whatabouts as the world’s greatest hoe. Let me put it this way, if truth lived as a serrated margin of a leaflet attached precariously to one’s darling ...