Gulliver's Drug High?

Dear Gulliver, I happened to catch you on the Television set. I was eating dinner. I happen to always watch Q and A on on Monday evening on the ABC after finishing up for the night late with a group of actors I work with who have an intellectual disability. I don’t watch much T.V these days but Mondays are a Television night for me. Usually this is because I need some time out to be a passive kind of traveller, not like Gulliver on a grand adventure but more as a voyeur into a reflection of how people are interpreting their current realty. When I heard you talking about drug testing I realised todays reality is not the much different, on one level, as it was when I was your age back in the old University days. I remember sitting with boys your age from time to time and having the age old discussion about drugs and concerts and the so called delights of a cookie packed full of euphoria. I remember being asked to a cast party after a great time making a piece of theatre in an outdoo...